Island Man Injured As ‘Stairs Started Moving’

A Newport man is claiming damages after injuring himself on the escalator at BHS.
Mr. Richard Head of Pyle street, Newport, claims that as soon as he stepped onto the stairs within the store, they ‘turned magic’ and started to convey him upwards at an alarming rate.
According to court reports, Mr Head panicked, then tried to spin around and descend the so claimed ‘devil’s stairs’, twisting his ankle in the process.
Mr. Head was adamant in his interview with The Candy Press, that he had done nothing wrong.
“When I finally dragged myself down to the bottom, I expected full medical attention from the staff. Instead I received a dressing down from the security guard on duty who told me to ‘stop messing around’ and made me leave the premises! I was in shock” he added.
After being informed that the Island had been graced with this ‘new technology’ for at least the last decade, Mr. Head said he “refused to believe that the council had let BHS get away with installing such a dangerous piece of machinery.”
A spokesperson for BHS responded by pointing out that Mr. Head was a well known ‘mad geriatric’, and that the escalator in their shop was “completely safe”.
The case continues…