Newport Officially Best Shopping Town Of The South Coast

Newport has won the title of ‘Best Shopping Town of the South Coast’ at the Urbanism Awards held in London last night.
Deardrie Nobbs, 63, is the Head Organiser at the town’s regeneration committee at County Hall and is said to be ‘thrilled’.
“We couldn’t be happier here on the committee. We have worked tirelessly to keep independent fashion stores at bay and well most High Street chains too! We were very nervous on the run up to the awards what with the closing our the high street’s big earner Peacocks; that sadly went into administration earlier this year.”
However this proves that our new ‘shopping mall’, situated by the Bus Station, was a complete success. We are so amazed that we got the likes of Bon-Marche and Sportees to help the mall be a winner. The committee is excited and relieved that we were voted for having the best variety of stores along the South! Brighton watch out!”
Newport boasts no less than six high street fashion stores all of which consist of last summer’s stock.
Our Candy Press reporter was out on the streets today (Friday) and found one fashionista who was said to ‘not be surprised’ by the award bestowed upon the town.
Tiffinay Gibbs, 19, said ‘ I love shopping in Newport. I always find what I want straight away as there is so much to choose from. I love the fact that it is older stock to buy from too as down here on the Island we don’t need to dress with any flair. Joggers and a generic hoodie is all we need round ‘ere!’
Talks are in place, at the regeneration committee, to keep the town exactly the same for years to come so that Newport stays on the map as the shopping mecca of the south coast.