Council Sells Off UV Protection Supply

In last weeks get together at the Isle of Wight Council, it was decided to sell off the Council’s entire stock of UV protection products including two tonnes of sun cream on Wightbay.
Following a ruling on Health and Safety for community workers such as beat Police Officers, Parking Attendants and lollipop people, the Council invested a huge sum of money in buying up the products which they claim has been kept in storage due to the poor summer.
Councillor Jack Rasher from Roud accused the Council of wasting money by its ineptitude; “They’re blaming it on the weather but I have it on good authority that there was a cock up in the purchasing to begin with.”
He accuses the Council of procuring tanning products after confusing them with UV protection creams and lotions, a notion backed up by the sighting of several orange faced individuals issuing tickets around Ryde back in June. The Council deny the allegation and insist that was not the reason the supply was shelved.
In August Cllr Vanya Rectory had called for an urgent investigation into why the Council had invested funds in protection when her friend in the IW Family Planning Unit knew nothing about it. That investigation has been called off but another is underway.